Dear reader,
I need your help.
You're my only hope!
You see, my dream has been to go to the States and shake the hands of my Twitter brothers.
I want to look them in the eyes and say thank you for the support tbey’ve shown me over the last couple of years (with things I will share in the Chaos Journals at a later date).
But to achieve this I need your help.
I need you to open up Google, Brave, Firefox, DuckDuckGo, whatever you use as your internet search engine…
Search GoFundMe and click the link…
Then type in "Make Roscoe's Dream Come True"…
Then take out your credit card, enter your details and hit the donate button…
Well, I’m not kidding about planning to go see them but I’m going to work my arse off to finance it myself. I'm going to earn my own way there and meet them face-to-face.
I want to do it after improving my physique, my mental strength, my overall health and mastering my natural energy.
And that's what I want to talk about today.
Showing up
I'm going to be honest with you, these last couple of weeks have been rough.
I lost my job unexpectedly (more on this another time), my hands, wrists and elbows feeling like they've been crushed by a boulder (and still having to type at the computer every day) and my mind really hasn't been right (check the Chaos Journal for more).
But one thing has remained consistent, when before it would have been the first to disappear, and that's:
Showing up.
Showing up and putting in the work.
Do you struggle with this?
Do your discipline and ability to show up evaporate when times get rough?
Do you find yourself procrastinating and ultimately, wasting your time?
Sometimes it's hard to even get out of bed some days and it feels like the whole world is against you.
Sometimes it's difficult to focus on anything but your own problems.
Sometimes it's tough to face what's going on without the use of substances or digital distractions.
But you owe it to yourself to show up every day and improve your physique, your mental strength, your overall health and master your natural energy.
You owe it to those who love you to become better.
So what are you waiting for?
It's time to show up and get to work.
Thank you for reading “I Need Your Help”.
Check out the last public post: “Time To Bring Back An Old Favourite”.
Take care,
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